Mennonite Library and Archives

Photo Collection

Scanned photo collection - subject list

Farming - Soil conservation


Description: "NEB 765; Beatrice Camp 10-19-38; B. F. Ensz, SE 1/4 of 1-3N-4E, 9 miles west of Beatrice, Nebr.; Mr. Bernard Ensz in his contour planted corn which is yielding 13.6 bushels per acre more than his corn in straight rows in identical circumstances. Contour farming is held directly responsible for the increased yield."; used in Mennonite Life, April 1949, p. 7; see 2012-0012 for back of photo
Date: Oct. 19, 1938
Location: Beatrice, Nebraska
MLA filing: Farming - Soil conservation
Original size: 11.5 x 14.5 cm
Photographer: Richard W. Hufnagle for Soil Conservation Service


Description: back of 2012-0011; "NEB 765; Beatrice Camp 10-19-38; B. F. Ensz, SE 1/4 of 1-3N-4E, 9 miles west of Beatrice, Nebr.; Mr. Bernard Ensz in his contour planted corn which is yielding 13.6 bushels per acre more than his corn in straight rows in identical circumstances. Contour farming is held directly responsible for the increased yield."; used in Mennonite Life, April 1949, p. 7
Date: Oct. 19, 1938
Location: Beatrice, Nebraska
MLA filing: Farming - Soil conservation
Original size: 11.5 x 14.5 cm
Photographer: Richard W. Hufnagle for Soil Conservation Service


Description: "NEB 764; Beatrice Camp 10-19-38; B. F. Ensz, SE 1/4 of 1-3N-4E, 9 miles west of Beatrice, Nebr.; Mr. Bernard Ensz in his contour planted corn which is yielding 13.6 bushels per acre more than his corn in straight rows in identical circumstances. Contour farming is held directly responsible for the increased yield."; used in Mennonite Life, April 1949, p. 7; see 2012-0014 for back of photo
Date: Oct. 19, 1938
Location: Beatrice, Nebraska
MLA filing: Farming - Soil conservation
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Photographer: Richard W. Hufnagle for Soil Conservation Service


Description: back of 2012-0013; "NEB 764; Beatrice Camp 10-19-38; B. F. Ensz, SE 1/4 of 1-3N-4E, 9 miles west of Beatrice, Nebr.; Mr. Bernard Ensz in his contour planted corn which is yielding 13.6 bushels per acre more than his corn in straight rows in identical circumstances. Contour farming is held directly responsible for the increased yield."; used in Mennonite Life, April 1949, p. 7
Date: Oct. 19, 1938
Location: Beatrice, Nebraska
MLA filing: Farming - Soil conservation
Original size: 11.5 x 16.5 cm
Photographer: Richard W. Hufnagle for Soil Conservation Service

4 photos

Copyright © Bethel College
Last updated: 05 February 2020 - 10:16:25
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